Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Special Report: Bishops, bishops, bishops!

My friends Megan and Hannah have run into Bishop Gene Robinson several times during convention and have struck up a bit of a friendship with him - so much so that Hannah suggested they have lunch sometime, and the three of them are now off enjoying some lunch together! They introduced me to him just before they left and I feel extremely honored! I didn't ask for a picture at the time (though I have one of me with him from several years ago when the House of Bishops met in Spokane anyway) but hopefully later we'll get another opportunity.

Megan, Gene and Hannah at their lunch. What a kind man!

Relatedly, Pia and I are playing Bishop Bingo. ERD (Episcopal Relief and Development) is selling Bishop Bingo cards for $2 with 4 different playing cards to chose from. If you get a bingo, ERD will give you a prize. We're going for bishop blackout so we can meet as many as possible. Katharine Jefferts Schori, the Presiding Bishop, is on our card, in the same line as our Bishop Jim. As such, he will be working to set up a chance to meet her. Hopefully pictures will follow! So too will an update this afternoon after the bishops join us in the House of Deputies for a joint session to receive a presentation on the finalized budget. Should be exciting!

1 comment:

  1. um, I am jealous. and that is awesome. :)
