Thursday, July 16, 2009

Day 9: Dress Like Gregory Straub Day!

Today, as declared by the young adults of GC, was the first triennial Dress Like Gregory Straub Day. Straub is the Executive Officer and Secretary of the HOD and he keeps us on track and ensures we get all our paperwork promptly and correctly. He also has the most beautiful announcing voice in the world and the crazies, most delightful style of dress ever. He wears loud sport coats with bow ties every day. Some examples:

So, in honor of him, many of us (and I mean nearly 20 by the time the day was over) dressed in decorated sports coats and bowties. We also gave him a "Best Secretary" Oscar award which he displayed on his desk for the rest of the day.

The creative deputies, volunteers and the Secretary himself.

We were pretty darn productive today, passing the budget and other legislation. I also completed a knitting project for the Seaman's Institute which provides gifts and knitted items for sailors at sea around Christmas time. Pia and I both knitted hats and now I'm working on a scarf. This is a project I have always wanted to do and i am so glad to have finally done it. I look forward to continuing it because I'm always knitting but with no one to give my completed items to.

This was my last full day of legislation here at Convention. I leave to go home tomorrow after the first session, during which we are going to tackle a resolution that addresses liturgies for the blessing of same-sex unions. It has already passed the House of Bishops and even though debate is scheduled for a rather short time (because we have so much work we absolutely must complete before we go) I expect it to be lively. The wording for the resolution focuses on looking into the theological and liturgical resources behind such blessings and giving bishops in dioceses where same-gender marriage is already legal the chance to provide a generous pastoral response. That is, until rites are created for the whole church (assuming they someday are), bishops in states like Connecticut, Ohio and Massachusetts where gay marriage is already legal would have the ability to bless those unions if they see fit, though they would not be required to. I think it looks like a good compromise in that no change has to be made but can be, and it complies with our current plan to explore marriage as a church and explore the development of potential rites. It would start a long process if we voted in the affirmative, but at least it would start it.

Anyhow, those results remain to be seen! Until then, I have enjoyed my time here immensely. I have learned so much and have re-committed myself to my love of my church and faith. I adore our polity, the way the governance of my church is so much like the governance of my country but with a clearer commitment to social justice and mission. If this were a job, I would want it. As it is, I have found new ministries to pursue and met people from all over the country who love the Episcopal Church as much as I do. I even met a retired priest from Washington, DC and assuming I get a job out there like I hope, I now have someone out there who is willing to help me get connected with a church home in that diocese. Sweet! So, there's more work tomorrow along with terribly sad goodbyes and the ever-annoying airplane travel, but for now... packing!

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