Thursday, July 16, 2009

Day 8: You're a Heartbreaker

Wednesday we had a joint session of both houses for the presentation of the proposed budget. I was expecting great excitement as our bishops joined us on the floor for what I thought would be some time for great debate and lively conversation.

Bishop Jim, joyful not only to be joining us, but that his sciatica was immensely improved.

But, the presentation of the budget was one of the most sobering moments of my life. The Presiding Bishop joined our President to facilitate the meeting. We opened in prayer - intense prayer, for the work of the committee who came up with the budget (PB&F), for those who will be disappointed in the budget because it reflects hard times and loss, for the mission we pursue.


The budget is still just a proposed budget; we will vote on it this morning. In nearly all areas, the proposed funding is less than it has been, but to help just a little in the current financial times, diocesan asking will be reduced. If passed, asking in 2010 will be 21%, 2011 20% and 2012 19% in an order to assist everyone to more easily meet their asking. There is also an effort to assist dioceses who are involved in litigation with congregations or dioceses who left TEC and are now in dispute over property.

There are many details I could share about the specifics of the budget, which has not yet been passed. The most important part about yesterday for me was realizing how many people want national money and how many are going to be crushed by what is being offered. I hope we find that we will be able to live into our mission effectively, particularly as funds are allocated towards dramatic service to latino populations in an effort to grow our church. We'll find out more later this morning when we put it to a vote.

Today could be a very long day. We'll have our normal legislaive sessions, but with an option to extend it to complete all the work we need to get done. There's a legislative session tomorrow afternoon, but it's mostly (usually) reserved to deal both with resolutions of courtesy and working with pieces referred to us by the House of Bishops. Should be an interesting time...

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