Saturday, June 27, 2009


My deputation will be keeping a daily blog with a variety of viewpoints expressed; it can be found here: - in case anyone is interested!

We had our first meeting on Thursday to review logistics and give reports on our various sections. Although I had several sections, the most interesting topics were Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations, and Indigenous Ministries. This time around, SCEIR is offering up a resolution to enter into full communion with the Moravian church, which is a smaller church I had never heard of until doing this research. It sounds like we have a lot in common practices and logistics wise, but there is much to offer each other in terms of views and traditions. Simply because I read up on this heavily beforehand, I'll be keeping a close eye on it, but since we've been in Interim Eucharistic Sharing since 2003, I don't foresee any problems in passing such a resolution. Likewise, I fully expect both houses to pass resolutions banning disposable water bottles from the floor - it's all about sustainability, baby! The Prov 8 bishops sent out a public letter to this effect a couple of months ago, and I'm all for it. (It could be even better if Episcopal Relief and Development offered up their water bottles as replacements - it would certainly increase their exposure and advertisement of a very worthy cause!)

In any case, I personally still have much reading to get done before we get down to California. I am very relieved to have learned that three of my fellow deputies who are flying from Spokane will be meeting up with me in Seattle so that we all may fly together to Anaheim and share a shuttle to the hotel. I can travel by myself, certainly, but it's always a lot more fun and laid back with friends! More on preparations to follow once more reading has been completed. It's pretty pithy stuff.

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