Thursday, July 16, 2009

Day 9: Dress Like Gregory Straub Day!

Today, as declared by the young adults of GC, was the first triennial Dress Like Gregory Straub Day. Straub is the Executive Officer and Secretary of the HOD and he keeps us on track and ensures we get all our paperwork promptly and correctly. He also has the most beautiful announcing voice in the world and the crazies, most delightful style of dress ever. He wears loud sport coats with bow ties every day. Some examples:

So, in honor of him, many of us (and I mean nearly 20 by the time the day was over) dressed in decorated sports coats and bowties. We also gave him a "Best Secretary" Oscar award which he displayed on his desk for the rest of the day.

The creative deputies, volunteers and the Secretary himself.

We were pretty darn productive today, passing the budget and other legislation. I also completed a knitting project for the Seaman's Institute which provides gifts and knitted items for sailors at sea around Christmas time. Pia and I both knitted hats and now I'm working on a scarf. This is a project I have always wanted to do and i am so glad to have finally done it. I look forward to continuing it because I'm always knitting but with no one to give my completed items to.

This was my last full day of legislation here at Convention. I leave to go home tomorrow after the first session, during which we are going to tackle a resolution that addresses liturgies for the blessing of same-sex unions. It has already passed the House of Bishops and even though debate is scheduled for a rather short time (because we have so much work we absolutely must complete before we go) I expect it to be lively. The wording for the resolution focuses on looking into the theological and liturgical resources behind such blessings and giving bishops in dioceses where same-gender marriage is already legal the chance to provide a generous pastoral response. That is, until rites are created for the whole church (assuming they someday are), bishops in states like Connecticut, Ohio and Massachusetts where gay marriage is already legal would have the ability to bless those unions if they see fit, though they would not be required to. I think it looks like a good compromise in that no change has to be made but can be, and it complies with our current plan to explore marriage as a church and explore the development of potential rites. It would start a long process if we voted in the affirmative, but at least it would start it.

Anyhow, those results remain to be seen! Until then, I have enjoyed my time here immensely. I have learned so much and have re-committed myself to my love of my church and faith. I adore our polity, the way the governance of my church is so much like the governance of my country but with a clearer commitment to social justice and mission. If this were a job, I would want it. As it is, I have found new ministries to pursue and met people from all over the country who love the Episcopal Church as much as I do. I even met a retired priest from Washington, DC and assuming I get a job out there like I hope, I now have someone out there who is willing to help me get connected with a church home in that diocese. Sweet! So, there's more work tomorrow along with terribly sad goodbyes and the ever-annoying airplane travel, but for now... packing!

Day 8: You're a Heartbreaker

Wednesday we had a joint session of both houses for the presentation of the proposed budget. I was expecting great excitement as our bishops joined us on the floor for what I thought would be some time for great debate and lively conversation.

Bishop Jim, joyful not only to be joining us, but that his sciatica was immensely improved.

But, the presentation of the budget was one of the most sobering moments of my life. The Presiding Bishop joined our President to facilitate the meeting. We opened in prayer - intense prayer, for the work of the committee who came up with the budget (PB&F), for those who will be disappointed in the budget because it reflects hard times and loss, for the mission we pursue.


The budget is still just a proposed budget; we will vote on it this morning. In nearly all areas, the proposed funding is less than it has been, but to help just a little in the current financial times, diocesan asking will be reduced. If passed, asking in 2010 will be 21%, 2011 20% and 2012 19% in an order to assist everyone to more easily meet their asking. There is also an effort to assist dioceses who are involved in litigation with congregations or dioceses who left TEC and are now in dispute over property.

There are many details I could share about the specifics of the budget, which has not yet been passed. The most important part about yesterday for me was realizing how many people want national money and how many are going to be crushed by what is being offered. I hope we find that we will be able to live into our mission effectively, particularly as funds are allocated towards dramatic service to latino populations in an effort to grow our church. We'll find out more later this morning when we put it to a vote.

Today could be a very long day. We'll have our normal legislaive sessions, but with an option to extend it to complete all the work we need to get done. There's a legislative session tomorrow afternoon, but it's mostly (usually) reserved to deal both with resolutions of courtesy and working with pieces referred to us by the House of Bishops. Should be an interesting time...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Special Report: Bishops, bishops, bishops!

My friends Megan and Hannah have run into Bishop Gene Robinson several times during convention and have struck up a bit of a friendship with him - so much so that Hannah suggested they have lunch sometime, and the three of them are now off enjoying some lunch together! They introduced me to him just before they left and I feel extremely honored! I didn't ask for a picture at the time (though I have one of me with him from several years ago when the House of Bishops met in Spokane anyway) but hopefully later we'll get another opportunity.

Megan, Gene and Hannah at their lunch. What a kind man!

Relatedly, Pia and I are playing Bishop Bingo. ERD (Episcopal Relief and Development) is selling Bishop Bingo cards for $2 with 4 different playing cards to chose from. If you get a bingo, ERD will give you a prize. We're going for bishop blackout so we can meet as many as possible. Katharine Jefferts Schori, the Presiding Bishop, is on our card, in the same line as our Bishop Jim. As such, he will be working to set up a chance to meet her. Hopefully pictures will follow! So too will an update this afternoon after the bishops join us in the House of Deputies for a joint session to receive a presentation on the finalized budget. Should be exciting!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I was going to write about the last two days but when I was uploading the photos from my camera, my computer was freaking out so I took the SD card out to avoid it somehow getting wiped. In doing so, I ruined it some how and had to format the card, losing all the images. Then I used the camera again to make sure everything was fine, which it turns out is exactly what you're NOT supposed to do because you can evidently recover photos as long as you don't use the camera again. So now they're gone, including an incredibly moving video of 3 cantors from the 3 Abrahamic faiths chanting a prayer, first one by one and then all together at the end, in harmony - from my seat in the front row. It was unbelievably moving and I was dying to post it but now I'm so crushed it's gone along with photos with friends and of famous folks. I am so mad right now. I almost wish I didn't have a camera because then I wouldn't have the images to miss, and I wish I hadn't tried so hard to fix things without reading online FIRST to see what I should and should not have done. tihoeohuijhdncjkvhcxor3w9wpk

Monday, July 13, 2009

Special Report: The Spoils of the Exhibition Hall

General Convention means lots of legislation, but it also means plenty of exhibitors from various ministries around the church, including vendors. I've found tons of great stuff from around the world and thought I'd share a bit of it with you!
This tshirt was around last time for Katharine Jefferts Schori. It makes me super happy! Thanks to the Episcopal Women's Caucus.
Thanks to the EWC also for this fantastic pamphlet that explains the history of women's involvement in the church. Good information to know when you weren't there for the events themselves.
Why are Episcopalians so wishy-washy? Who are the most famous Episcopalians? Why all the stained glass? If you want to know the answers to this or any other questions related to being an Episcopalian, check out this book published by Church Publishing. It's set up like a survivor's guide and it's hillaaaarious!
There are tons of wares from the Holy Land. This is a rosary made from the wood of an olive tree in Bethlehem with a Jeruselem cross on it. I've already used it quite a bit...

Finally, this necklace and earring set is from Africa and the money goes to support mission work with orphans there. It's always nice to do a little good when buying something that's just plain pretty!

Day 5 - Truth and Love

The following is a word-for-word copy of what I posted to because I think it's pretty good and I just don't want to blog twice since it's already quite late. Enjoy!


Love without truth is sentimentality; truth without love is brutality. This was a quote shared with us in prayer by Chaplain Frank Wade during our afternoon legislative session and I resonated with it deeply. Fr. Wade lead us in prayer with these words by special request prior to voting on resolution D025 "Commitment and Witness to Anglican Communion". I am so grateful he did so because it speaks to the context in which we should be living out mission every day, but especially here at General Convention.

Resolution D025 was drafted in response to B033 which was passed at the last General Convention and which urged restraint concerning the election of bishops whose "manner of life" would cause offense to the wider Anglican Communion. Many resolutions were proposed to address B033, some which specifically repealed it, some which proposed alterations to our cannons which would effectively negate any previous resolution, and one which took a "via media," a middle way. D025 was this middle way. (The text of this resolution can be found here: . This version shows both the original language and the perfected language offered by the Committee on World Mission.)

So, we in the House of Deputies found ourselves addressing a very sensitive and important issue. I knew it was coming because we have been talking about it extensively over the last 5 days, both in committee hearings where testimonies were given and language perfected, and in a special committee of the whole where the entire house had the opportunity to discuss B033 and related issues and then testify to the entire house. We even had the honor to hear from the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, and other leaders from around the Anglican Communion, from Brazil to Canada to South Africa and beyond. The longer we all spoke, the more I tried to listen. I don't mean hear, I mean listen, and listen prayerfully. This was extremely challenging because my personal experience leads me to want immediate and unequivocal inclusion of all God's children while avoiding the inevitable conflicts. Unfortunately for me, God's will tends to supersede my own and it is generally not fulfilled within the time frame I might hope. Perhaps more importantly, as I have learned firsthand so far this week, God is reflected in all of us and it is in listening prayerfully to others that we discern God's will.

Thus, with prayer beads in hand, I listened and prayed. And then I voted. I voted in favor of the resolution. I voted in favor of it because I think it clearly and accurately states where we are as a church and it celebrates and reaffirms our commitment to our fruitful relationship with the rest of the Anglican Communion. It recognizes what I think is the most beautiful characteristic of the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion: that although we are not of one mind on such matters, we are all Christians of good conscience, which to me means we value and love and will continue to commune with one another. Some expressed a fear which I expect is prevalent within our church – that taking any action on this matter would cause further schism within the Anglican Communion and we should maintain the status quo until a better time. I agree with the Archbishop on this matter; as he said in his sermon to the convention a couple of days ago, if the Anglican Communion thought they could continue on perfectly well without the Episcopal Church, we wouldn't have a problem. D025 only passed the House of Deputies and has yet to be considered by the House of Bishops, so the ultimate effect remains to be seen. It is my fervent hope and prayer that this decision, even if the resolution is defeated by the bishops, will continue to fuel deep and prayerful discussion, debate, and discernment. Personally, I hope also that it passes because I feel it has great potential to heal our church and renew our relationships worldwide. More than that, though, I hope the Holy Spirit will continue to work through us here at GC so that we may discern God's will and carry out the mission we have been called to carry out. There is much yet to be explored, many people to meet and issues to address on the house floor. Please, keep us in your prayers as we strive to discern the truth and live it out in love, to love others while speaking the truth – for love without truth is sentimentality, and truth without love is brutality.


Beyond legislation, today was a wonderful day of learning for me. I attended the Episcopal Women's Caucus breakfast this morning along with Pia, Kristi and Carolyn of our deputation. Being quite a young woman (not yet 23), I was not present for women's struggle to first become ordained as priests and later consecrated as bishops. As I learned at the breakfast, it was 20 years ago that Barbara Harris was ordained as the first female bishop in the Anglican Communion and 35 years ago that the Philadelphia 11 were ordained as the first female priests. First, I felt very proud to be in a church that values women and shows it through allowing them to participate fully as baptized members, but as the speakers continued I became aware of gender gaps which still exist both in pay and job acquisition. As one of my favourite songs from the Broadway show Hairspray says, we've come so far but we've got so far to go. This seems to be the case in most situations where it comes to lifting up minorities and valuing "the other," whoever the other might be. But I have a newfound respect and admiration for the women who came before me, but also for the ladies who work continually now, particularly the amazing women I met at the Episcopal Women's Caucus and the Episcopal Church Women. They work tirelessly on behalf of women, who serve God in many capacities and who help carry out our mission as a church in ways that 20 or 30 years ago they weren't permitted to. I admire all those called to servant leadership but especially the women who fought so hard to serve their church.

Clearly, this was a long day full of important events. I was very relieved to get to end the day with a dinner with most of our deputation and others from the diocese. Each day is so full that sometimes getting a good meal is nearly impossible, but the California Pizza Kitchen took great care of us! Tomorrow is yet another day likely to be filled with surprises and milestones. After five days of meetings, exactly half of the convention, I feel as though I have been here forever and that I have gained immense insight into church governance, human relationship and interactions and mission, but I am also humbled to realize how much work there is yet to do here and out in the rest of the world and how much experience I have yet to gain. Let us hope for success!


PS, on the superficial end of things the Verger's Guild was giving out plastic cups with the convention seal on them which turn purple when cold liquid is in them. It's basically the sweetest thing I've ever had ever! And I bought "The Episcopalian Handbook" which is basically the survivor's guide to being Anglican. A must-read for all!

Checking out the menu at the delicious CPK

A glass of merlot with good company. Dignity, always dignity.

Happy Anniversary, Bob and MaryBeth!

Episco-celeb sightings: Bishop Frank Griswold (former Presiding Bishop of TEC), Bishop Barbara Harris (first woman ever consecrated as bishop in the Anglican Communion). Not too shabby!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Day 3 - Kicking Back, Kind of

Today was my "day off" in that I wasn't on the floor. I swapped with Pia, our alternate, in order to have a day off because I had friends visiting. Audra is up from her missionary work in Columbia, Meredith came up from San Diego for the day, and later Pia's sister Katie joined us for the weekend.
For fun - a picture in front of the convention center

Meredith and I watched the second session of the committee of the whole where 15 deputies in favor of repealing B033 spoke and 15 deputies in favor of maintaining B033 or a similar measure of restraint spoke. One of these deputies was our own Carolyn Terry speaking in favor of moving beyond B033! We are all very proud of her.
I was able to snap a photo of Carolyn on the big screen as she spoke.

Deputies on both sides spoke incredibly eloquently, thoughtfully and respectfully. I was finally able to understand "the other side" and even agree with many of their worries. B033 is complex in that it has kept us in communion for the last 3 years, but at the same time prompted the Anglican Communion to make further demands, or at least to force us to have a very involved conversation about which direction to take now. It also limits the ability of LGBT brothers and sisters from pursuing ministry withing TEC, the church which they serve. To be honest, the discussion today put me in a place to really listen with my heart, which I will continue to do as actual resolutions begin to come to the floor of the house. As with the rest of the deputies and the church at large, I feel torn between fully including my brothers and sisters whom I love very much and not actively hurting our Anglican brothers and sisters with whom we have such a rich tradition and relationship. We may talk more, we may pray more, but the situation doesn't exactly get any less complicated. I feel confident that we will find an acceptible compromise since several innovative ideas have been offered up in a variety of settings.

Heavy stuff.

So after the morning HOD session, we proceeded with Katie up to the House of Bishops which is run very differently from the House of Deputies. For one, there are way fewer people (a bit over 100 I believe) so things are a bit more informal. They sit at circular tables as well. We got very lucky while we were there - as we were in the visitor's gallery, they passed a resolution to enter into full communion with the Moravian church. Upon passage, everyone stood up and applauded and burst into song, singing the hymn "Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow." It was a really lovely moment.

The loveliest part of the day, however, was in the evening. We went to the Integrity Eucharist officiated by Bishop Gene Robinson. It was one of the liveliest and most moving services I have ever attended in my entire life. It centered on our Baptismal vows and extending inclusion to all of God's children and featured incense, African drumming, abundant applause, and one of the best homilies I have ever heard by Bishop Barbara Harris of Massachusetts. It lasted more than 2 hours but we all left feeling joyous, refreshed, empowered and in community with one another. I only hope to take these wonderful positive feelings and carry them out to the rest of the deputies and bishops and infuse our work with this passion in an effort to make wise and good decisions.

The Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson stands with other LGBT clergy before the final blessing.
One of the most beautiful parts of the service - the gospel displayed with incense, candles, umbrellas, etc. It was gorgeous and really helped set the mood.

Episco-celeb sightings: Gene Robinson (the first openly gay bishop in TEC), Louie Crew (founder of Integrity and GC data collection wizzard), Rev. Susan Russel (President of Integrity), Edmond Browning (former Presiding Bishop of TEC). This was a big day!